Taking user input and generating a random number in the below class.
// Importing required libraries
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
import static java.lang.System.in;
// Creating a class GuessNumb
class GuessNumb {
int randomNum; // Variable to store a random number
int userInput; // Variable to store user input
int attempt = 1; // Variable to track the number of attempts
boolean match = true; // Boolean to check if the guessed number matches
// Constructor to initialize the game
public GuessNumb() {
Random random = new Random();
this.randomNum = random.nextInt(1, 100); // Generating a random number between 1 and 100
System.out.println("Please guess numbers between 1-100 only");
// Method to take user input
public void takeUserInput() {
Scanner input = new Scanner(in);
this.userInput = input.nextInt();
// Method to check if the user's guess is correct
public void isCorrectNumber() {
while (match) { // Enters a loop until the correct number is guessed
if (userInput == randomNum) {
// If the user's guess matches the random number
System.out.println("Correct! Guessed " + userInput + " in " + attempt + " try");
match = false; // Set match flag to false to exit the loop
} else if (userInput < randomNum) {
// If the user's guess is smaller than the random number
System.out.println("Guess a number between 1-100 & larger than " + userInput);
takeUserInput(); // Take user input again
} else if (userInput > randomNum) {
// If the user's guess is larger than the random number
System.out.println("Guess a number between 1-100 & smaller than " + userInput);
takeUserInput(); // Take user input again
attempt++; // Increment the attempt counter
Initializing GuessNumb class for user input and number verification.
// Main class demo
public class demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
GuessNumb game = new GuessNumb(); // Creating an instance of GuessNumb class
game.takeUserInput(); // Taking user input
game.isCorrectNumber(); // Checking if the guessed number is correct
} // End of main method
} // End of main class