Swap Salary

Swap Salary

Table: Salary

| Column Name | Type     |
| id          | int      |
| name        | varchar  |
| sex         | ENUM     |
| salary      | int      |
id is the primary key (column with unique values) for this table.
The sex column is ENUM (category) value of type ('m', 'f').
The table contains information about an employee.

Write a solution to swap all 'f' and 'm' values (i.e., change all 'f' values to 'm' and vice versa) with a single update statement and no intermediate temporary tables.

Note that you must write a single update statement, do not write any select statement for this problem.

The result format is in the following example.

LeetCode Problem - 627

update Salary set sex = 
case sex 
    when 'm' then 'f'
    else 'm'