Reveal Cards In Increasing Order

Reveal Cards In Increasing Order

You are given an integer array deck. There is a deck of cards where every card has a unique integer. The integer on the i<sup>th</sup> card is deck[i].

You can order the deck in any order you want. Initially, all the cards start face down (unrevealed) in one deck.

You will do the following steps repeatedly until all cards are revealed:

  1. Take the top card of the deck, reveal it, and take it out of the deck.

  2. If there are still cards in the deck then put the next top card of the deck at the bottom of the deck.

  3. If there are still unrevealed cards, go back to step 1. Otherwise, stop.

Return an ordering of the deck that would reveal the cards in increasing order.

Note that the first entry in the answer is considered to be the top of the deck.

LeetCode Problem - 950

import java.util.*;

class Solution {
    public int[] deckRevealedIncreasing(int[] deck) {
        // Initialize an array to store the result
        int[] result = new int[deck.length];
        // Create a queue to hold indices of the cards
        Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();

        // Populate the queue with indices
        for (int i = 0; i < deck.length; i++) {

        // Sort the deck

        // Reveal the cards in increasing order
        for (int j : deck) {
            // Assign the revealed card to the position at the front of the queue
            result[queue.peek()] = j;

            // Move the next card to the end of the queue

        // Return the result array
        return result;

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