Find the Pivot Integer

Find the Pivot Integer

Given a positive integer n, find the pivot integer x such that:

  • The sum of all elements between 1 and x inclusively equals the sum of all elements between x and n inclusively.

Return the pivot integer x. If no such integer exists, return -1. It is guaranteed that there will be at most one pivot index for the given input.

LeetCode Problem - 2485

class Solution {
    // Method to find the pivot integer in the range [1, n]
    public int pivotInteger(int n) {
        int sum1 = 0;
        // Calculate the sum of integers from 1 to n
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
            sum1 += i;
            // Calculate the sum of integers from i to n using xTon method
            int sum2 = xTon(i, n);
            // Check if the sums are equal, indicating the pivot integer
            if (sum1 == sum2){
                return i;
        // If no pivot integer is found, return -1
        return -1;

    // Declare a variable to store the sum calculated in xTon method
    int temp2 = 0;

    // Method to calculate the sum of integers from b to n
    public int xTon(int b, int n){
        // Initialize the sum variable
        temp2 = 0;
        // Calculate the sum of integers from b to n
        for (int i = b; i <= n; i++){
            temp2 += i;
        // Return the sum
        return temp2;

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