Actions Class In Selenium

Actions Class In Selenium


Actions class in Selenium helps us in automating the mouse and keyboard actions. Basic actions like click and enter text in a field can be handled using basic Selenium command. We need Actions class in selenium to perform all the keyboard and mouse actions.

Commonly used Actions class methods

  • moveToElement(WebElement element)

    If you wants to move your mouse over an element you can use this method


  • doubleClick(WebElement element)

    To perform the double click action of mouse you can use this method


  • dragAndDrop(WebElement source, WebElement dest)

    To perform the click and hold the source element and release it on target element, that can be performed with the help of dragAndDrop() method.

    actions.dragAndDrop(source, dest).build().perform();

  • dragAndDropBy(WebElement source, int xOffset, int yOffset)

    To perform dragAndDrop action on a given offset then you can use this method.

    actions.dragAndDropBy(source, xOffset, yOffset).build().perform();

  • contextClick(WebElement element)

    To perform the right click action of mouse we can use this method


  • keyDown(Keys.key)

    To perform keyboard actions we can use this method, like if you want to perform ctrl+A action then this method can be used to perform that.


build() and perform()

The method build() and perform() in Actions class are used to compile all the actions and execute the same.

  • build() : this method is basically used to compile all the actions, and

  • perform() : this method is used to execute the compiled action that were built using build().

Implementing Actions Class

In below code I have performed few action :

  • Move to and click

  • Hold down the Control key and click

import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import java.time.Duration;

public class ActionsBlog {
    @FindBy(xpath = "//a[text()='More']//parent::li")
    WebElement elementForMoreDropDown;
    @FindBy(xpath = "//a[text()='Dynamic Data']//parent::li")
    WebElement elementForDynamicData;
    @FindBy(xpath = "//a[text()='WebTable']/parent::li")
    WebElement elementForWebTable;

    WebDriver driver;
    Actions actions;
    public void actionsClass() throws Exception{
        driver = new FirefoxDriver();
        PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);

        actions = new Actions(driver);

    }// test
}// class


Actions class in Selenium is a powerful tool that allows you to automate the mouse and keyboard action and helps you in creating more realistic test scripts.

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